about Christmas and wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year of 2012..........
(too old to reply)
Damned-Virus-Data Miner providers
2011-11-20 05:51:42 UTC
Hello all,
We have seen in movies abvout the crcification of Jesus Christ
etc.........the actual story actaully started from the time of Rome or
called Roman Empire where during that time, the ruler of that tme is
Julius Ceaser. The ruler of that time is more towards Tyrant or even
run a more arrogance type of rule where they will put the life of
people at stake as long as they find someone is trying to have a big
gathering of people as if you try to be the ruler of the country
concerned. This is the reason why Jesus suffered where his main ideas
of having big crowrds of people to gather around him just to listen to
how he teaches his people regarding Christianity of his belief. There
are basically two books of important studies for chrsitains of
Ireland.......one is known as Gospel of St Luke and the other is Acts
of Apostles (what people are saying etc after the death of Jesus).
This is how Chrsitmas comes in when Jesus was borned to this world By
Mary and John. The death of Jesus was remembered as Easter day to
remember him of the days he came back to see his people after he died.
Anyone whom are interested to know this histroy can view the videos on
ten commandments.

Written by:

ESC ASP GPS Ang Poon Kah
2011-11-22 06:19:49 UTC
On Nov 20, 1:51 pm, Damned-Virus-Data Miner providers
Post by Damned-Virus-Data Miner providers
Hello all,
  We have seen in movies abvout the crcification of Jesus Christ
etc.........the actual story actaully started from the time of Rome or
called Roman Empire where during that time, the ruler of that tme is
Julius Ceaser. The ruler of that time is more towards Tyrant or even
run a more arrogance type of rule where they will put the life of
people at stake as long as they find someone is trying to have a big
gathering of people as if you try to be the ruler of the country
concerned. This is the reason why Jesus suffered where his main ideas
of having big crowrds of people to gather around him just to listen to
how he teaches his people regarding Christianity of his belief. There
are basically two books of important studies for chrsitains of
Ireland.......one is known as Gospel of St Luke and the other is Acts
of Apostles (what people are saying etc after the death of Jesus).
This is how Chrsitmas comes in when Jesus was borned to this world By
Mary and John. The death of Jesus was remembered as Easter day to
remember him of the days he came back to see his people after he died.
Anyone whom are interested to know this histroy can view the videos on
ten commandments.
ESC ASP GPS Ang Poon Kah
cut the carp,Merry Christmas to you,ho..
Happy or not still have to live.gong xi fa chai.
What are you doing now,santa clause,ha....