Deny pap 2/3 majority
(too old to reply)
Damned-Virus-Data Miner providers
2011-04-10 07:35:52 UTC
Yes, Sylvia Lim is perfectly right in calling for the oppositions to aim for
1/3 of the seats in parliament. This is a good first but significant target.
If the oppositions can achieve that then the pap will have been denied the
means to change the constitution as and when they like. This is most
important first step.http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/112175...
Talking about this.......take for example Choya glass wine......one
bottly only cost with indication
of only SGD3.95 but end up selling in shop at the price of
SGD8.95......to say legal wines.....
as for cars one car cost with the indication on the car front cover of
SGD74,000 which the original
indication only cost SGD32,000.....so much of difference.....that is
also known as legal cars........
see how much people support PAPs?..............

Damned-Virus-Data Miner providers
2011-04-10 17:01:32 UTC
Post by Damned-Virus-Data Miner providers
Yes, Sylvia Lim is perfectly right in calling for the oppositions to aim for
1/3 of the seats in parliament. This is a good first but significant target.
If the oppositions can achieve that then the pap will have been denied the
means to change the constitution as and when they like. This is most
important first step.http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/112175...
Talking about this.......take for example Choya glass wine......one
bottly only cost with indication
of only SGD3.95 but end up selling in shop at the price of
SGD8.95......to say legal wines.....
actually hor, i am not against all dhese high high "sin tax".  it
discourage peeper from acoholism.
but hor, dhe Pee And Pee garmen use it to put into dheir celery.  dhis
one is dhe probrem.
is up to you to get taxed maximum.....is up to individuals.........

